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Minnesota archery season, in the land of 10,000 lakes, offers you access to deer, small game, bobcats, and wolves. However, if you’re planning on hunting moose, it’s better to organize your trip in another state, as dwindling moose numbers caused state management to suspend its moose season.

Minnesota archery season

Minnesota (MN) Archery Season, 2022-2023

The opening weekend sees around half the deer shot during the season. Around 100,000 deer roam the state in any given year, depending on conditions. Approximately 70% of the total seasonal harvest occurs during the first four days of the deer season.

When does Archery Season Start in MN?

Minnesota Deer Seasons

  • Archery September 17-December 31
  • Metro Deer Management Zone November 5-27
  • Youth Hunt October 20-23
  • Early Antlerless October 20-23

*Minnesota deer hunting seasons occur in four “series” based on the hunting location.

Minnesota Bear Seasons

  • General Season September 1-October 16

Minnesota uses a lottery system to allocate bear hunting permits. Applications for the lottery draw are due by May, with the state notifying winners in May. Bear baiting starts mid-August, several weeks before the start of hunting season.

Minnesota Wild Turkey Seasons

  • Fall General Season October 1-30

Minnesota Elk Seasons

  • General Season August 27-October 16

Minnesota elk hunting is available through permit only. The state issues some licenses through its lottery system.

Minnesota Small Game Seasons

  • Rabbit (cottontail, jackrabbit, and snowshoe) September 17-February 28
  • Prairie Chicken September 24-October 2
  • Squirrel (gray and fox) September 17-February 28
  • Weasel Open season
  • Raccoon, opossum, badger, grey and red fox      

North zone October 15-March 15

South zone October 22-March 15

Minnesota’s special seasons, bag limits, and hunting regulations vary based on region and animal hunted.

What are the Legal Hunting Hours in Minnesota?

Minnesota state allows hunting in season between 30-minutes before sunrise and to 30-minutes after sunset.

Hunting Licenses and Permits in MN

Hunters can obtain their licenses and permits from a registered Department of Natural Resources agent, the department’s office in St. Paul, online or over the phone. License lotteries are available for bear, wolf, deer, and turkey harvests.

ID or Drivers License Requirements for Resident Hunters

Residents aged 21 or over that are looking to apply for hunting licenses and permits must produce a valid driver’s license or public safety ID number. Minnesota residents who do not have this documentation must obtain it before applying for the lottery system or buying hunting permits from the DNR.

Applicants must apply for their Minnesota ID or a driver’s license at least 60 days before their hunting license application. If you have yet to receive a card by your application date, contact the licensing center at 877-348-0498 or 651-297-1230 to have the team create your resident record for hunting license applications.

Before purchasing their hunting license or permit, applicants must keep the following in mind regarding the application process.

Check out our guide 30+ Hunting Rules to Keep You Safe while bowhunting in the wild.

This article is written by:

Picture of Gregory Johnson

Gregory Johnson

With almost 20 years of archery experience under his belt, Gregory founded the Complete Guide to Archery website in 2017. His purpose has been to spread knowledge about the hobby and sport to anyone willing to learn.
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