Alaska archery season offers the archer access to a wide variety of species. Alaska hunting seasons vary widely from seasons in the lower 48 states. If you’re looking for big game and animals, Alaska offers you the best hunting experience in the continental United States.
Alaska is a premier hunting destination. You have options for black bear, moose, caribou, muskox, and mountain goat. Unlike hunting seasons within the continental United States, game seasons extend throughout all seasons during the year.
Some seasons vary, depending on the time of year, animal, or other nuisances. Seasons vary by region, with dates differing across all 26 hunting zones.
Alaska (AK) Archery Season, 2022-2023
Alaska hunting seasons differ by residency; not all seasons apply to non-residents. In seasons or years where herds are limited or small, non-residents are usually restricted from acquiring hunting licenses.
You can purchase your hunting licenses through the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Most seasons start in August through September, ending in October.
Some areas have seasons extending into the winter months on some sites. Hunting is permitted throughout the year in areas where animal populations are sustainable.
When does Archery Season Start in AK?
Alaska (AK) Deer Seasons
General Season August 1 – December. 31**
**Season dates vary by zone
Alaska Muskox Seasons
General Season August 1 – March 31**
**Season dates vary by zone
Alaska Caribou Seasons
General Season August 10 – March 31**
**Season dates vary by zone; some zones allow open-season hunting so long as no more than two caribou are taken per year.
Alaska Bear Seasons
Black Bear September 1 – June 30**
Brown/Grizzly Bear September 15 – December 31**
**Season dates vary by zone
In most areas, bag limits affect the following hunting seasons. After taking a bear, hunters must wait for one to four years to hunt the species again.
Alaska Elk Seasons
General Season August 1 – December 31**
**Season dates vary by zone
Alaska Mountain Goat Seasons
General Season August 1 – January 31**
**Season dates vary by zone
Alaska Moose Seasons
General Season September 1 – November 30**
**Season dates vary by zone
Alaska Wolf and Wolverine Seasons
Wolf, General Season August 1 – April 30**
Wolverine, General Season September 1 – March 31**
**Season dates vary by zone
Alaska Small Game Seasons
Grouse August 1 – May 15**
Ptarmigan August 1 – June 15**
Hare September 1 – April 30**
Crow September 1 – November. 17 / March 1 – April 15**
Pika Open season in some zones
Snowy Owl September 1 – April 1; closed for non-residents
Pheasant Open season
Chuckar Open season
Quail Open season
Wild Turkey Open season
Partridge Open season
Squirrel Open season
Feral Ferrets and Swine Open season
**Season dates vary by zone. Some zones may have an open season year-round.
Alaska seasons regulate the use of weapons (depending on animal and weight). Typically, archery and muzzleloader methods are prohibited in big game hunts. For more information or suggestions on planning your hunt, visit the Alaska Department of Fish and Game website.
Can You Hunt on Sundays in Alaska?
Typically, Sundays are closed to archery hunting. However, archers may hunt on specific Sundays during the season. Visit the Alaska Game Commission website for more information.
Hunting Licenses and Permits in AK
Alaska residents aged 18 to 59 must acquire a resident hunting license. Additional stamps, tags, or permits are required. Residents 60 or older must obtain a permanent ID card. You can purchase all licenses and permits online at the Alaska Game Commission website.
Hunting & Trapping
Visit the Alaska Game Commission website for subsistence (Tiers I and II) licenses, permits, tags, registration, drawing, and general season information.
General License Information
The website’s general license information provides guidance on pricing, age, and residency requirements for hunters.
Professional Licenses
Visit the Alaska Game Commission website for more information on big game guides & transporters, sport fishing guides, taxidermists, fur dealers, game farms, and wild animal control.
Check out our guide 30+ Hunting Rules to Keep You Safe while bowhunting in the wild.